Classical music

45 tunes found

Classical | Royalty-Free Music to Download | Freepik Tunes - Page 2
0 selected
2:12 112 BPM
0 selected
1:04 108 BPM
0 selected
2:10 86 BPM
0 selected
2:21 120 BPM
0 selected
1:13 112 BPM
0 selected
1:31 120 BPM
0 selected
2:01 144 BPM
0 selected
1:48 59 BPM
0 selected
1:21 120 BPM
0 selected
1:10 96 BPM
0 selected
1:24 146 BPM
0 selected
1:53 140 BPM
0 selected
1:47 126 BPM
0 selected
1:47 112 BPM
0 selected
1:55 146 BPM
0 selected
1:50 129 BPM
0 selected
2:27 117 BPM
0 selected
2:38 117 BPM
0 selected
1:18 106 BPM
0 selected
1:51 79 BPM
Classical music

Classical music takes you on a journey through centuries of emotion and beauty. From grand symphonies to intimate piano solos, it spans eras like baroque, romantic, and modern classical, each offering its own character. Whether it’s the grandeur of an orchestra or the simplicity of a solo piece, classical music evokes peace, drama, or exhilaration. It’s timeless and influential, forming the foundation for many other genres and continuing to inspire listeners with its depth and elegance.

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