Corporate music

89 tunes found

Corporate | Royalty-Free Music to Download | Freepik Tunes - Page 4
0 selected
1:29 80 BPM
0 selected
1:35 85 BPM
0 selected
2:02 146 BPM
0 selected
2:05 123 BPM
0 selected
2:18 115 BPM
0 selected
2:03 103 BPM
0 selected
1:53 123 BPM
0 selected
1:19 112 BPM
0 selected
3:43 120 BPM
0 selected
0 selected
1:33 90 BPM
0 selected
0:32 99 BPM
0 selected
1:19 91 BPM
0 selected
0:35 116 BPM
Corporate music

Corporate music is designed to create a positive, professional, and motivational atmosphere, making it ideal for business presentations, commercials, and corporate videos. It features uplifting melodies, smooth production, and often includes instruments like pianos, guitars, and soft percussion. Corporate music blends acoustic elements with modern, polished electronic sounds to create a clean, inspiring tone. The genre emphasizes clarity and simplicity, focusing on themes of success, innovation, and teamwork. It serves as an unobtrusive but engaging backdrop that encourages productivity and optimism in professional settings.

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