
7 tunes found

Sad | Royalty-Free Music to Download | Freepik Tunes
0 selected
1:18 144 BPM
0 selected
3:07 144 BPM
0 selected
1:59 136 BPM
0 selected
1:55 150 BPM
0 selected
2:35 124 BPM
0 selected
1:02 123 BPM
0 selected
2:21 120 BPM

Expressing sorrow, longing, or deep emotion, this mood resonates with moments of heartbreak and introspection. Slow tempos, minor chords, and expressive vocals are often used in acoustic, blues, and folk music, where pianos, strings, and soft guitars add layers of vulnerability and depth. While often melancholic, sad music provides comfort and connection, allowing listeners to process their emotions and find solace in the beauty of its heartfelt melodies. Perfect for reflective moments, it captures the essence of loss, nostalgia, or quiet contemplation.

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